What was the key to Marion Bartoli’s recent win at Wimbledon? A 30-minute nap just before her match. Coaches, management and players all know the importance of sleep on recovery and performance. If sufficient sleep is not included in a training program then regeneration cannot occur and performance of the players plateaus.

But how do you ensure players are getting enough sleep when it counts the most?

New features on our scientifically validated Readiband watch allow players to track their real-time effectiveness scores and see in real-time how many hours until they need to sleep. The Readiband also collects aggregated sleep data to help athletes and sports organizations review and understand how fatigue is affecting their performance on a daily and hourly basis. The data can then be used as a proactive strategy for sports teams to ensure players attain adequate sleep for peak performance at game time.

By measuring sleep data using the Readiband sports organizations can:

  • Maximize player readiness
  • Boost player performance
  • Decrease recovery time and promote healing
  • Optimize travel schedules to reduce the effects of jet lag
  • Increase player durability while boosting health and morale
  • Reduce fatigue related injuries

Readiband has been used by some of the world’s leading sports organizations, including the Vancouver Canucks.



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