Video Library
Product Tours
How Readi's Machine Learning Engine Works
Readi - 2 Minute Intro
ReadiSupervise - Guided Product Tour
ReadiAnalytics - Guided Product Tour
4-Minute Demo - ReadiSupervise Web + ReadiAnalytics
Fatigue Science - ReadiWatch
Instant Insights - Demo Video
Learn about our Predictive Fatigue Management Solution for heavy construction, mining and transportation
Readi - Supervisor Workflow for Proactive Fatigue Management
Customer Stories
An interview with BBMV on their implementation of our Predictive Fatigue Management Solution
See how BBMV construction partners are managing fatigue risk on London’s $19-billion Crossrail megaproject
Hector Miranda, Orica Testimonial
Mina Justa Customer Story
Fatigue Science In the News
The CBC National News in-depth report on fatigue in the trucking industry and our work with high performance athletes
Fitness and safety expert Siphiwe Baleka speaks about driver fatigue risk management in the trucking industry
Learn how elite athletes gain a winning edge with Fatigue Science sleep and performance management
CBC News looks at Fatigue Science’s work with high performance athletes after Chicago Cubs’ World Series Win

Inside Hockey: The Canucks and the Science of Sleep - 02.26.11 - HD

Metabridge 2015 - Winner Sean Kerklaan CEO Fatigue Science
Fatigue Science on YouTube

Why do we sleep? | Russell Foster

Want to get ahead? Go to Sleep: David Randall at TEDxBeaconStreet

WSU Foundation: Big Ideas for Health - Sleep Research

How to succeed? Get more sleep | Arianna Huffington

Our natural sleep cycle | Jessa Gamble

Sleep-Engineering: Improve Your Life By Manipulating Your Sleep | Penny Lewis | TEDxGrandRapids

One more reason to get a good night’s sleep

Micro-Sleep May Be to Blame for Accidents

Microsleeps while driving

SAFE-D Part 1 of 2: Sleep, Alertness and Fatigue Education for Drivers

SAFE-D Part 2 of 2: Sleep, Alertness and Fatigue Education for Drivers

Sleep and a Healthy Life | Jonathan Wisor | TEDxSpokane

Give it up for the down state -- sleep | Sara Mednick | TEDxUCRSalon