Fatigue Is a Health and Safety Issue in the Utilities Industry

Utilities workers are often exposed to energized lines, work at high elevations or below ground level, and handle heavy equipment and chemicals.

Fatigue represents a significant risk to utilities health and safety. A predictive fatigue risk management system and proactive countermeasures can mitigate this risk.


The Effects of Fatigue in the Utilities Industry

Utilities companies that have felt the impact of fatigue


Have experienced fatigue-related productivity decreases


Have experienced fatigue-related safety incidents

When outages occur

-Utility workers travel significant distances
-Work overtime, 12+ hour shifts, and long weeks
-Work unpredictable, rotating or irregular hours, including night shifts
-Face extreme temperatures

Fatigue risks in utilities

-Decreased decision-making and problem-solving ability
-Decreased situational awareness
-Slower ability to react
-Increase risk of costly errors
-Reduced productivity

Introducing Readi: Your Predictive Fatigue Management Software for Utilities Health and Safety

Predictive Fatigue Insights

Our proactive fatigue management technology enables utilities health and safety teams and supervisors to identify and mitigate fatigue risk factors early.

Optimized Shift Scheduling

Our fatigue modeling scheduling tool enables you to schedule the safest, most productive shifts and assign safety-sensitive tasks to the most alert workers.

No Wearables or Connectivity Required

We provide fatigue scores without the need for sleep-tracking wearables or any other expensive or intrinsically safe hardware. Plus, connectivity isn't required, making it suitable for remote locations, underground operations, and surface operations.

Best Fit for Utilities Companies 

Whereas PVT tests are impractical in field work, our predictive technology is an ideal fit for utilities companies.

How It Works: Readi Fatigue Management Technology

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