Made possible by combining two
scientifically-validated technologies

SAFTE™ Fatigue Model

  • SAFTE Graphic
  • The SAFTE Fatigue Model (Sleep, Activity, Fatigue, and Task Effectiveness) is the world’s leading biomathematical fatigue model. Developed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research at the U.S. Army Medical Research Development Command and validated by the U.S. Department of Transportation, it analyzes sleep data in order to accurately predict fatigue.
    More about the science

ReadiWatch™ wearable device

  • ReadiWatch-1
  • The ReadiWatch captures high-resolution sleep data, validated against the clinical gold standard of polysomnography with 92% accuracy. Sleep data is transmitted to the cloud automatically for SAFTE Fatigue Model analysis via Bluetooth.

Simplify your data collection

Easy to use and noninvasive, the ReadiWatch is the perfect solution for collecting scientifically-validated sleep data. Water-resistant and with a 30-day battery life, the Readi Suite fits right into your subjects’ daily life.

With our Readi App, subjects can sync their sleep data remotely. Data is automatically processed and available for you to analyze or export.

For your research and clinical studies, the ReadiWatch provides metrics on sleep duration, awakenings, wake after sleep onset, sleep onset and wake times, sleep efficiency, and onset and wake variance. All visualized in one place and ready to export to CSV.

All your data is automatically stored online in the Readi Enterprise Suite for you to visualize and export. The data can easily be sorted by user and date.

Readi software platform pricing


Dr. Lois James

Our research team at Washington State University (WSU) have used the ReadiBand by Fatigue Science to conduct research on the sleep and performance of police officers, military personnel, nurses, firefighters, and elite athletes. We consistently find this product to be an accurate and easy way of monitoring sleep that is reliable, user-friendly, and low burden for research participants.

Dr. Lois James Assistant Professor at the WSU College of Nursing
Dr. Michael Ormsbee

A huge limitation we had in our research was that it was simply someone telling us how much sleep they had. With the ReadiBands, now we don’t have to ask you how much you slept; we actually have data to show us total sleep time, sleep latency and wake episodes. For once we can actually quantify and correlate sleep to performance, inflammation or whatever variable we are looking at.

Dr. Michael Ormsbee Associate Professor at Florida State University
Dr. Matthew Driller

I have been using the ReadiBand in my research and also with elite athletes since 2012. As my specialty area is recovery in elite athletes, the ReadiBand has proven an invaluable tool for easily collecting accurate sleep and fatigue data.

Dr. Matthew Driller Senior Lecturer at University of Waikato, Acting Head of Performance Physiology at High Performance Sport New Zealand
High Resolution

Speak to an expert to learn more about using the ReadiBand for your research

needs of researchers

Trusted for use in published research

The ReadiBand has been used in many peer-reviewed publications, including those listed below:

A feasibility study: Use of actigraph to monitor and follow-up sleep/wake patterns in individuals attending community pharmacy with sleeping disorders
Noor Zaswiza Mohamad, Smith Alesha J, Smith Simon S, Nissen Lisa M
Year : 2016 | Volume:  8 | Issue Number:  3 | Page: 173-180

Brain Network Changes in Fatigued Drivers: A Longitudinal Study in a Real-World Environment Based on the Effective Connectivity Analysis and Actigraphy Data
Fonseca A, Kerick S, King JT, Lin CT, Jung TP
Frontiers in human neuroscience vol. 12 418. 12 Nov. 2018, doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00418

Caffeine use in a Super Rugby game and its relationship to post-game sleep.
Ian C. Dunican, Charles C. Higgins, Maddison J. Jones, Michael W. Clarke, Kevin Murray, Brian Dawson, John A. Caldwell, Shona L. Halson, Peter R. Eastwood
Eur J Sport Sci. 2018 Feb 12 : 1–11. Published online 2018 Feb 12. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2018
The Clinical Validation of the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire: an Instrument to Identify Athletes that Need Further Sleep Assessment
Amy M. BenderEmail author, Doug Lawson, Penny Werthner and Charles H. Samuels
Sports Medicine – Open20184:23

Development of the athlete sleep behavior questionnaire: A tool for identifying maladaptive sleep practices in elite athletes
Driller MW, Mah CD, Halson SL.
Sleep Sci. 2018;11(1):37-44

Does self-perceived sleep reflect sleep estimated via activity monitors in professional rugby league athletes?
Johnpaul Caia, Heidi R. Thornton, Vincent G. Kelly, Tannath J. Scott, Shona L. Halson, Balin Cupples & Matthew W. Driller (2018)
Journal of Sports Sciences, 36:13,, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2017
The Effect of Casein Protein Prior to Sleep on Fat Metabolism in Obese Men
Kinsey AW, Cappadona SR, Panton LB, Allman BR, Contreras RJ, Hickner RC and Ormsbee, M. (2016)
Nutrients. 2016 August; 8(8): 452

Effects of Domestic Air Travel on Technical and Tactical Performance and Recovery in Soccer
Peter Fowler, Rob Duffield, and Joanna Vaile
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2014 9:3, 378-386

The Effects of the Removal of Electronic Devices for 48 hours on Sleep in Elite Judo Athletes
Ian C Dunican, David T Martin, Shona L Halson, Reid Reale, Brian Dawson, John Caldwell, Maddison J. Jones, and Peter R Eastwood
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, October 2017

Effects of simulated domestic and international air travel on sleep, performance, and recovery for team sports
Fowler, P., Duffield, R. and Vaile, J. (2015),
Scand J Med Sci Sports, 25: 441–451. doi:10.1111/sms.12227

Evaluating Low-cost Activity Trackers for Use in Large-scale Data Gathering of Forestry Workers
Bowen, J., Hinze, A., Cunningham, S. and Parker, R (2015)
OzCHI ’15 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction
Pages 474-482

Flight Attendant Work/Rest Patterns, Alertness, and Performance Assessment: Field Validation of Biomathematical Fatigue Modeling
Peter G. Roma, Steven R. Hursh, Andrew M. Mead, Thomas E. Nesthus (2012)
US DoT, Federal Aviation Administration

Identification of Emergency Medicine Fatigue At-Risk Periods Using Actigraphy and Computer Modeling: A Pilot Study
Fox, C. et al.
Annals of Emergency Medicine , Volume 66 , Issue 4 , S146 – S147

The Impact of Work Shift and Fatigue on Police Officer Response in Simulated Interactions with Citizens
James, L., James, S. and Vila, B. (2017)
Journal of Experimental Criminology

Intervention strategies to eliminate truck-related fatalities in surface coal mining in West Virginia
Zhang, Meng & Kecojevic, Vladislav. (2016).
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 23. 115-129. 10.1080/17457300.2015.

Laboratory and home comparison of wrist-activity monitors and polysomnography in middle aged adults
Ian C Dunican, Kevin Murray, James A Slater, Kathleen J Maddison, Maddison J Jones, Brian Dawson, Leon M Straker, John A Caldwell, Shona L Halson and Peter R Eastwood
Sleep and Biological Rhythms, October 2017, doi:10.1007/s41105x.

Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
Stephen M. James and Bryan Vila
Policing: An International Journal 2015 38:3, 517-538

Pre-sleep protein in casein supplement or whole-food form has no impact on resting energy expenditure or hunger in women
Leyh, S., Willingham, B., Baur, D., Panton, L., & Ormsbee, M. (2018). .
British Journal of Nutrition, 120(9), 988-994. doi:10.1017/S0007114518002416

Sleep is an important factor when considering rugby union player load
Ian C Dunican, Peter R Eastwood
British Journal of Sports Medicine, November 2016

Sleep Data, Physical Performance, and Injuries in Preparation for Professional Mixed Martial Arts
Peacock, C.A.; Mena, M.; Sanders, G.J.; Silver, T.A.; Kalman, D.; Antonio, J. s.
Sports 2019, 7, 1.

Sleep and stress hormone responses to training and competition in elite female athletes
Shannon O’Donnell, Steve Bird, Gregory Jacobson & Matthew Driller (2018)
European Journal of Sport Science, 18:5, 611-618, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2018
Sleep-hygiene education improves sleep indices in elite female athletes.
O’Donnell, S and Driller, M (2017)
Int J Exerc Sci. 2017; 10(4): 522–530.

Sleep patterns and injury occurrence in elite Australian footballers
Dennis, Jackson et al.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , Volume 19 , Issue 2 , 113 – 116

The Stability of Implicit Racial Bias in Police Officers
James, L (2017)
Police Quarterly