We caught new Vancouver Canucks coach, John Tortorella, wearing his Readiband in the post-game coverage after the Canucks pre-season win over the Coyotes on September 23rd.

Between busy game schedules, practice, training and challenging travel requirements it’s not uncommon these days to hear professional athletes and teams declare fatigue as a major factor in poor game performance. Since 2009, the Vancouver Canucks have been using Fatigue Science’s Readiband and FAST (Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool) to manage fatigue and calculate performance at game time. Since that time, the Vancouver Canucks have become one of the best road-game performing teams in the NHL by getting objective scientific data in order to make smarter travel decisions.With a new coach and Readibands on hand, we’re looking forward to seeing what this next season will bring for the Vancouver Canucks in their quest for the Stanley Cup.



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