Simulate Your Operation
- Derive meaningful insights in minutes, not weeks — no wearables required.
- Readi auto-simulates likely sleep patterns for the unique constrains of your roster or schedule
- Machine Learning algorithm improves predictions using 3M+ anonymized industrial sleeps

Generate Fatigue Insights
- Benchmark overall fatigue risk in your shift pattern
- Identify fatigue risk hotspots at key times of day
- Identify riskiest days in a shift pattern (e.g. 4th night shift)
- Compare and contrast alternate schedules & start times

Take Action, Reduce Risk
- Plan safety-sensitive tasks for lowest risk times
- Recommend operator caution during expected hotspots
- For schedulers: determine lowest-risk schedules

Compare simulations vs. actuals
- Optionally use wearables to sample on-the-ground fatigue
- Compare real-world fatigue to simulated expectations
- Determine root causes of fatigue
- Identify crews and individuals in need of support, preserving sleep data privacy
- Track progress of highly-targeted fatigue reduction efforts

Ready to uncover fatigue exposure in your operation?
Book a Demo
Complete the form to book a 20-minute demo of Instant Insights with ReadiAnalytics.