
Readiband technology to be included in WSU presentation at White House Safety Datapalooza

Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) have been looking at ways of leveraging data from wearable or mobile technology to help keep police officers safe and effective on the job. Enter their ‘BeSharp’ app which utilizes Fatigue Science’s Readiband technology and our SAFTE algorithm.

Readiband models performance based on sleep activity, provides real-time effectiveness scores, and determines when fatigue levels will reach a point where safety and performance are at risk. WSU researchers have created a mobile app, that will take Readiband’s real-time feedback and proactively alert officers via text message when it is time to take a break to recharge their mental effectiveness and reaction time.




The test version of this app, along with the Readiband, will be presented at this week’s White House Safety Datapalooza Conference by WSU Spokane professor of criminal justice, Bryan Vila. The project will contribute to the White House’s open data initiative, and help “enhance understanding of how fatigue affects safety on the road and in the community” and “enable evaluation of the impact of fatigue management efforts on officer safety.”

Fatigue Science CEO, Sean Kerklaan, has been part of the project team, which includes Jo Strang (American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association) and Gregory Godbout (White House-OSTP Presidential Fellow) and WSU Professor, Bryan Vila.
“We are pleased to have been included in this project and have our technology presented as part of ‘BeSharp’ at the White House Safety Datapalooza Conference.” Sean says, “While this app is still in a test version, it’s been great to work with the BeSharp team and see our technology incorporated into a new platform, which only increases the reach of this powerful data, and could contribute to police officer on-the-job safety and effectiveness.”



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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

We recently hosted an enlightening webinar titled "Fatigue Science – North American Fatigue Management Program Solutions Series," and we're excited to announce that it's now available for on-demand viewing.