
Introducing the Fatigue Science 90-Day Pilot Program

Mining truck at a mining site.

When introducing a new initiative into a workforce, it’s important to prepare for feedback, change management, and policy development. With that in mind, Fatigue Science provides a 90-day Pilot Program to help implement Readi™ Enterprise Suite as part of your company’s approach to fatigue risk management.

During your 90-day pilot, a Fatigue Science advisor will work with operations leaders and health and safety managers to understand the outcomes you’re looking to achieve with your deployment of Readi Enterprise Solution. Whether you’re looking to reduce fatigue exposure to improve safety, productivity, or both, an advisor can help select the best staff at your company, and create a deployment plan that fits your pilot objectives.

Readi™ Enterprise Suite 

Fatigue Science’s 90-Day Pilot Program gives you the opportunity to trial the Readi Enterprise Suite Solution with leadership, supervisors, and staff:

  • Readi provides personal Fatigue Alerts on mobile and wrist with compatible wearables, as well as a daily Fatigue Forecast upon wake-up, providing at-a-glance insight into personal fatigue risks for the day ahead. Users additionally receive sleep and fatigue insights such as a ReadiScore™ that allows them to make better choices based on their risk level.
  • ReadiSupervise enables supervisors to monitor current and upcoming fatigue levels of each member of their crew, with an “on-duty dashboard” and risk alert notifications. These tools enable informed interventions in cases of critical fatigue, as well as the planning of key tasks, ultimately driving productivity and reducing accidents.
  • ReadiAnalytics™ provides aggregated insights into workforce fatigue at the group-, location-, and organization-level, enabling management to establish a fatigue baseline, identify problem areas, and track improvements over time relative to meaningful targets. Insights for leaders can inform planning for resource allocation, fatigue training, and schedule optimization, further driving safety and productivity.

Your advisor will help to break down the data from each of these applications to target your key metrics, as well as to discuss potential fatigue management strategies.

Orienting Yourself and Your Staff

A pilot program typically lasts three months, which provides time for workforce orientation with Readi, identification of trends, and strategies to reduce fatigue-related risk in your workforce.

A pilot covers all phases of Readi’s use within your organization, from pre-launch and the initial roll-out, managing participation, data collection and analysis, actionable takeaways, and next steps.

By the end of your pilot program, you will be prepared to:

  • Understand the level of fatigue exposure across your company. This includes clear takeaways for leadership, supervisors, and staff that can help to reduce fatigue risks at all levels.
  • Determine a path forward for utilizing the predictive fatigue risk management tools of Readi Enterprise Suite on an ongoing basis in your operation. This includes a breakdown of the targets that will help you to reach your organizational goals and the methods to measure them.
  • Identify and adjust for the root causes of fatigue within your company and implement solutions. This includes adjusting work schedules, optimizing processes, and introducing training to educate staff.
  • Understand how daily sleep and fatigue insights can allow participants to optimize their work day, plan for sleep, and increase awareness of heightened fatigue risk.

Talk to Our Team!

As no two workplaces are the same, fatigue risk management strategies must be tailored to meet the unique needs of an organization. Whether your work environment includes shift work, long commutes, or high-risk work, your plan for fatigue management should be comprehensive.

Our pilot program is designed with the complexity of your organization in mind. To speak with one of our advisors about implementing a 90-day pilot within your company, contact our team here.

Interested in learning more about data-driven fatigue management?

or download our free eBook on the Science of Sleep for industrial workforces

About Fatigue Science

Fatigue Science is the leading provider of predictive human performance data in heavy industry, elite sports, and military. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, we build software that leverages scientifically-validated biomathematical models in order to quantify and predict the cumulative effects of sleep disruption on human reaction time and cognitive effectiveness. Our solutions enable organizations to optimize operations, reduce risk, and drive performance and productivity improvements — both at an individual- and enterprise-level. With proven impact, return on investment, and significant and growing traction in heavy industry, military, and elite sports, Fatigue Science serves cutting-edge organizations who understand the importance of sleep as well as the value of data-driven decision-making.



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