HP Matter: How wearable technology is helping one team overcome its biggest travel health nightmare

The Seattle Mariners traveled 51,634 miles during this year’s regular season, the most in the major leagues and the equivalent of flying around the earth twice.

With all that travel time, the Mariners must take care of their most important assets—their players—by combating a problem that every C-suite traveler knows all too well: fatigue.

Seattle recently began using a state-of-the-art piece of wearable technology known as the Readiband to provide a personalized answer. The wearable wrist device is made by Fatigue Science…”

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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

We recently hosted an enlightening webinar titled "Fatigue Science – North American Fatigue Management Program Solutions Series," and we're excited to announce that it's now available for on-demand viewing.
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Promoting Road Safety During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: Readi's Integration with ELDs

Every year, Drowsy Driving Prevention Week serves as a crucial reminder of the risks associated with driving while fatigued.