Forbes: Didn’t get enough sleep? You might as well be drunk

Our Readiband, used by the Vancouver Canucks and the US Military, has been featured in Forbes Magazine.

Kelly Clay, a contributor to Forbes, spoke with our founder Pat Byrne about the history behind Fatigue Science, the technology, and how Readiband is helping individuals understand their effectiveness scores in real-time.

In the article titled, Didn’t Get Enough Sleep? You Might As Well Be Drunk, Clay says that “Readiband serves to drive actionable, behaviour changing insights around sleep patterns and human performance in a practical and scientifically valid way.”


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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

We recently hosted an enlightening webinar titled "Fatigue Science – North American Fatigue Management Program Solutions Series," and we're excited to announce that it's now available for on-demand viewing.
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Promoting Road Safety During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: Readi's Integration with ELDs

Every year, Drowsy Driving Prevention Week serves as a crucial reminder of the risks associated with driving while fatigued.