
Betakit: The 100 mile diet for tech


Technology writer, John Gray, attended ConnectFX, a recent technology event at which Fatigue Science CEO, Sean Kerklaan, among other local business leaders, pitched their technology on stage in front of potential buyers and a panel of judges.

ConnectFX, hosted by the BCTIA, was intended to serve as a platform for connecting BC’s enterprise technology buyers with BC’s technology solution providers.

This product showcase put eleven companies on stage to demo their products in front of potential customers. Getting feedback from the judging panel of Lynette DuJohn (Chief Information Officer, Business Technology, BCLC), Steve Kinsey (VP Sales & Operations, Western Canada, Cisco Systems), Kevin Satterfield (Director, IT Application Development & Maintenance, Best Buy Canada), was an invaluable experience for all involved.

Recognition for the morning demos went to the Crowd Favorites, with Fatigue Science being runner-up; and Contractually being named the winner. The judges named Mobify as the runner up and ePact the winner…”

Read John’s full piece and interview with BCTIA’s President and CEO, Bill Tam


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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

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