BC Business Magazine: Vancouver’s wearable tech stars


The latest issue of BC Business Magazine looks at a few local technology companies which are leading the way in wearables.

One company making waves is Vancouver-based Fatigue Science, which combines a bracelet called the Readiband with deep analytical software… The Vancouver Canucks have been ardent fans of the company’s product and went so far as to sign an exclusive four-year deal with Fatigue Science to prevent competitors from taking advantage of the technology.

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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

We recently hosted an enlightening webinar titled "Fatigue Science – North American Fatigue Management Program Solutions Series," and we're excited to announce that it's now available for on-demand viewing.
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Promoting Road Safety During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: Readi's Integration with ELDs

Every year, Drowsy Driving Prevention Week serves as a crucial reminder of the risks associated with driving while fatigued.