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Don't Let Fatigue Risk Affect Your Work Site

The need to manage and mitigate fatigue is crucial, not just for health, safety, and compliance, but also to maintain operational efficiency and profitability.

With predictive fatigue risk management software, you can make sure your workers make it home safely, while also increasing on-site safety and productivity.


Trusted by 100+ Mines and Fleets Worldwide

Trusted by 100+ Mines and Fleets Worldwide

Our predictive fatigue management software empowers health, safety, and operations teams

Anticipate high-risk periods before employees are in the field

Reduce costly fatigue-related disruptions and downtime

Optimize shift schedules for peak performance

Prevent accidents and lost-time incidents


Why Choose Fatigue Science?

crew member fatigue alert from Readi fatigue management software

The only 100% predictive fatigue management software

on the market that can be used as a leading indicator of fatigue without the use of wearables or any other hardware. 

14-day fatigue forecast

AI-powered analysis of over 6 million data points

for personalized fatigue assessments for each and every operator on your crew. 

predictive fatigue risk management software score for employee on shift

No connectivity required

Our fatigue risk management software is suitable for surface operations, remote locations, and underground operations.


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Seamless integration

into existing workflows with minimal technical integrations, and quick implementation.

How It Works: Readi Fatigue Management Software

The Cost of Inaction

With rising operational costs, stringent regulations, and fierce global competition, can you afford to ignore the hidden costs of fatigue?

50% Reduction in Fatigue Camera Alarms

Traditional reactive methods like in-cab cameras are not enough to prevent accidents

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Every day without proactive fatigue risk management puts your employees, team and worksite at risk

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Even one prevented lost-time incident justifies the investment in predictive fatigue risk management software

Download ROI of Readi

Download our whitepaper and learn how using Readi, our predictive fatigue risk management software, can enable your organization:

-Achieve a 20x annual return on investment
-Gain $6M benefit per site annually
-Decrease total lost-time incidents by 13%

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“Fatigue Science’s Readi platform allows us to proactively manage and substantially reduce our fatigue risk every day. We can now pinpoint fatigue hotspots and implement targeted countermeasures tailored to the specific needs of our workers.”

Hector Miranda

General Manager, Orica

"The safety and well-being of our workforce is our top priority. The application of proven predictive analytics to machinery has long been key to optimizing our operations."

Rodrigo Hiplán

Mine Manager, Lomas Bayas

Readi’s scientifically-validated approach significantly enhances the health and safety of our workforce, setting a new standard for fatigue management with objective and predictive data.”

Dr. Franco Silva

Occupational Health Coordinator, Cobre Panama
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Address Worksite Fatigue Head On

Take control of fatigue today. Request a demo to see how our predictive fatigue risk management software can keep your workers safe and improve your operations.