Supercharge your sleep data with Readi.



Easily assess if and when you will face critical fatigue risk during an upcoming shift during your hours on-duty.



Reduce risk and increase performance by ensuring optimal reaction time and cognitive effectiveness at the time it matters most.



Know Risk At A Glance

Know Risk At A Glance

Readi enables operators to easily assess if and when they will face critical fatigue risk during their upcoming hours on-duty. Know at a glance if you are projected to face critical levels of fatigue during your shift.  Your ReadiScore adds further detail as to how much your cognitive performance and reaction time will be affected.

Get Fatigue Risk Alerts

Readi provides optional push notifications to alert individuals of imminent upcoming periods of critical fatigue risk. Depending on the device used to track your sleep, Readi can also allow for on-wrist notifications and vibrations when individuals are about to reach a critical fatigue level.

Get Fatigue Risk Alerts

See Your Shift at a Glance

Based on your cumulative sleep data, Readi will let you know if you are projected to face low or high fatigue risk in your shift ahead — currently up to 18 hours in advance.

See Your Shift at a Glance


Personal Best

Personal Best

Readi empowers users to set, track, and meet personally achievable performance goals. Know your personal best at a glance, and compare where you are today to that all-time best ReadiScore.

Compare Yourself to Yesterday

Readi also helps users improve day by day. Not only can you easily compare your ReadiScore from today to personal your best, and more granular comparisons like yesterday’s score, and 30-day average.

Compare Yourself to Yesterday

Track Your Sleep Trends

The ability to see sleep trends over time helps track improvement, contextualize daily sleep, and motivate lasting sleep habits and lifestyle improvements.

Track Your Sleep Trends