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If you don’t already have FAST

Step 1: Download the latest installer
MD5 checksum : 7f13fd41854687f83b221d698b5ba88b

Step 2: Install FAST. Ensure that you extract all the content from the zip file to a folder first, and launch the setup program from the unzipped folder.

Step 3: Find serial number. FAST will generate a serial number (FA number) like “FA-0000-0000-0000-0000-00”. The serial number is specific to your computer hardware and its operating system environment. You can find this serial number on the splash screen at start up, or from FAST’s “Help” > “About FAST” screen.

Step 4: Copy the serial number. Select the “Get new license” button on the “About FAST” screen to do this.

Once you do have FAST (or if you already do), email us your serial number

Email it to from your military email address. Upon receiving your serial number, we’ll create a license file for you.