Enterprise analytics to inform leadership level decisions
Get a Risk Snapshot
Your organization’s fatigue risk snapshot reveals the extent of fatigue in your operation, as well as the sources of that risk. Specifically, risk snapshots disaggregate fatigue risk to reveal the portion of risk attributable to sleep health vs. the inherent risk of your shift pattern and work schedule.
Useful for:
- determining the urgency or priority of fatigue risk mitigations
- bringing focus to the largest causal contributor to fatigue risk, such as sleep health or shift schedule, and prioritizing improvement plans and investments to address it

Discover Trends
Useful for:
- determining if it’s prudent to continue to invest in certain risk mitigations strategies or to change course

Compare Segments
Ascertain which sites, groups, or shift patterns are generating disproportionate levels of risk exposure, or conversely, the highest performance data, relative to each other and to benchmarks.
Useful for:
- focusing efforts of risk mitigation on sites/groups where needed most
- adopting shift patterns that reveal the lowest risk levels

Assess the Concentration of Risk
Using anonymized individual-level ReadiScore data, determine whether risk contribution is concentrated among a few workers or dispersed evenly.
Useful for:
- determining if high return potential exists for investing in individualized sleep health assistance programs

Forecast Fatigue 14 Days Ahead
View projections showing the “who, when, and where” of workforce fatigue over the next two weeks.
Useful for:
- planning critical tasks, choosing the right worker for the right task, at the right time
- identifying hotspots in a crew’s shift pattern and avoiding plans for safety-sensitive tasks during those times
- planning worker interventions long before critical fatigue occurs

Manage Utilization
View key usage statistics for participants in your Readi fatigue risk management program.
Useful for:
- syncing sleep tracking devices
- using sleep tracking devices more frequently
- gaining insights without viewing personal sleep or fatigue data , respecting the privacy of workers