Self-trackers to keep fatigue at bay

Fatigue Science’s Readiband was recently covered in‘s Quantified Self roundup featuring self-trackers that can help improve performance and health.

Melissa Tolentino writes:

Fatigue Science delivers a few different products that help us understand how fatigue is affecting our lives, with its Fatigue Management Technology. One of its offerings is the Readiband, a smartwatch that tracks micro 3D movements of your wrist 16 times per second. It then uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the quality and quantity of your sleep.

The technology is based on a model developed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research at the U.S. Army Medical Research Development Command to convert fatigue levels into performance data. The point of this smartwatch is to reiterate the importance of getting enough sleep in order to function well throughout the day. Getting enough sleep is vital to person’s well-being as it keeps people focused and maintains normal levels of reaction time.

The Readiband is lightweight, waterproof, and practically indestructible, so you can wear it no matter what field of work you are in.

Read the full article


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