Readiband named in the top 100 global innovations in the mining industry

Our ReadiBand, used to measure sleep and fatigue in athletes and 24/7 high-risk industries, has been named one of the Top 100 Global Innovations in the Mining Industry.

The study created by Minalliance, compiles and summarizes one hundred innovations in exploration, ore deposit definition, ore extraction, transport and communications, ore processing, health and safety and remediation developed around the world.

Fatigue Science CEO, Sean Kerklaan says “we are honoured that our Readiband has been recognized as key innovation in improving the health and safety of mines around the world”.

Developed by Fatigue Science, Readiband is a wrist-worn device which collects sleep data for fatigue analytics. Scientifically validated, sleep data from the device converts the quality and quantity of the wearer’s sleep into objective fatigue levels as well as quantifying the wearer’s effectiveness scores and reaction times and relative accident risk. Using the Readiband is the easiest and most accurate way to objectively quantify the current effects of fatigue and how it is affecting safety, performance and productivity within your workplace.

International mining company Rio Tinto, used the findings from Readiband to implement new guidelines that no worker can operate equipment after being awake for 14 hours. As a result of this change, Rio Tinto has lost no productivity, and has reduced fatigue-related accidents.

Download the full study


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Watch Now: Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - Webinar on Fatigued Truck Drivers

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Promoting Road Safety During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: Readi's Integration with ELDs

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