Let sleep and fatigue data help guide
your coaching decisions

Our team solution helps sports scientists, medical
staff, physical therapists, nutritionists, and strength coaches
make the connection between sleep and athletic performance.

Full Suite HP

Built for elite sports teams
Professional / Collegiate / Olympic

NBA NFL Major League Baseball NHL MLS Super Rugby League | athlete sleep and performance | Fatigue Science

Sleep is often a critically overlooked factor in athletic performance

With objective, validated sleep measurement from the Readi Suite, including the ReadiBand, you’ll get more accurate inputs than with consumer-grade devices or the self-reported sleep you get today.

And, with our SAFTE™ Fatigue Model, you can quantify sleep’s effects on performance indicators like reaction time and judgment.

See the impact of sleep on daily readiness
See the impact of sleep on daily readiness

See the impact of sleep on daily readiness

Focus your attention where it’s needed most. Real-time and predictive fatigue analytics for each athlete can inform training and recovery decisions.

Help your athletes sleep better
Help your athletes sleep better

Help your athletes sleep better

Seeing the effects of poor sleep can aid in the promotion of positive sleep habits, as well as detect underlying sleep issues—before they impact your athletes’ health and on-field performance.

Make informed scheduling decisions

Training, travel, stress, diet and other social factors have a big impact on your athletes’ ability to get ample sleep. Use data to ensure there are enough hours in the day for them to recover optimally.

Make informed scheduling decisions

Augment your screening process

You use technology to screen your athletes for cardiac and aerobic capacity, eyesight, etc. Start screening them for sleep health too.

Augment your screening process

Pull sleep and fatigue data into your Athlete Management System

Combine it with other inputs to get a more complete picture of athlete health and readiness.

Pull sleep and fatigue data into your Athlete Management System

With Readi™ 
Let your players
self-manage their sleep
and fatigue


A good sleep?

Immediate feedback on the quantity and quality of daily sleep helps athletes understand what good sleep looks like.



Daily and hourly fatigue predictions shows them how sleep could be impacting their performance.

Trends and goal setting

Trends and goal setting

7-day trend views and the ability to set goals helps motivate lasting sleep habits and lifestyle improvements.

HP Modern iPhone

ReadiBand™ wearable
Measure sleep accurately

The wrist-worn ReadiBand’s rugged design and 30-day rechargeable battery means it’s wear-and-forget, so your athletes don’t.

And the ReadiBand has been scientifically-validated at 92% accuracy compared to a clinical sleep lab.

ReadiBand™ wearable | Measure sleep accurately | athlete sleep and performance | Fatigue Science
30-day battery life

30-day battery life

Water resistant

Water resistant

No GPS tracking

No GPS tracking

Coach view
See all your athletes in one place

Automatic data capture means it’s easy to obtain timely sleep and fatigue information from your athletes.

Aggregate team data lets you compare individual athlete readiness against team averages.

Predictive analytics help with quick training, recovery and scheduling decisions.

PDF summary and CSV reports simplify information sharing.

Staff settings for user roles and permissions let you control who sees what.

Athlete settings let you choose if you want your athletes to have direct access to all their data.

Our expertise and support is there when you need it



We’ll help you identify athletes with poor sleep or potential sleep disorders.

Customized reporting

Customized reporting

Bi-weekly or monthly summaries for team management, to highlight your goals and progress.

Coach and player workshops

Coach and player workshops

Learn from a sports scientist how sleep affects performance, and get practical advice to improve both.

Athlete consults

1:1 Athlete consults

Our sports experts can review an athlete’s data and provide specific recommendations to help them with their sleep.

Travel schedule analysis

Travel schedule analysis

Have us look at your scheduling to discover how even minor tweaks could have big benefits.

Gain a competitive edge through the science of sleep.

Full Suite HP

Video: Elite Sports Overview

Learn how our technology helps teams avoid injuries, reduce recovery times, and improve performance.

Video: The Cubs and Sleep

A report by Canada’s national news on the Chicago Cubs’ World Series win and their approach to sleep.

eBook: The Science of Sleep

Download our eBook to learn more about the science behind elite athlete sleep and performance.